Congress Registration

1. Send by email your professional profile (if you are not a CID Member already).
You will receive a reply within a week.
2. Send membership fee plus congress registration.
3. You will receive a confirmation that you are a CID Member registered as Congress participant. With this document you can contact sponsors and apply for a visa.

Membership, Individual 80 US dollars
Membership, Institutional 160 US dollars
Membership, Youth (under 16) 45 US dollars
Congress registration 100 US dollars
Congress registration Youth 45 US dollars
Presentations: 30 US dollars x =
Handling & postage 15 US dollars


Above amount is net, please add charges by banks or by Paypal. Send through

Send to: ; Select: Send to friends

– Go to and sign up with your email address.
– Open a personal account, free of charge.
– Click on: Tools / Send money / Send money to Friends
– Send membership fee in US dollars to

Write under the sum a message with your name and full postal address.