Guidelines For Presentations

Contributing a presentation is optional. Types of presentations are: Research report, Lecture-demonstration, Class, Performance, Exhibition.
For each presentation send a separate file in .doc or .ppt format to be included in the proceedings. Texts must be in English; additionally you can send your text in any other language (as separate file).
To accompany your text you can send music and/or video samples, files numbered 1 to 10 (no more) with their captions listed in the above text file.

  • Images in .jpg format, up to 500 kb each.
  • Music samples in .mp3 format
  • Video samples format: .mpeg2 or .divx
  • Maximum total size of each presentation: 2 mbytes

Consult the proceedings of last year’s Congress to get ideas for your presentation.

Each participant can submit only one presentation in each category (not two classes or two performances, for example). He/she can submit a second presentation in common with another participant, whether attending or absentee. Presenters must be registered in advance to be included in the printed program.


Send the file by email one month before the congress to be reviewed and included in the proceedings. Texts must include: title, name of author, text divided into sections (introduction, sub-sections, notes, references, captions of illustrations), short presentation of the author, name and full address.

If you cannot attend, you can register and send your text to be included in the proceedings, after approval.

Time allowed is 20 minutes for brief oral comments (not reading the submitted text), including time for questions by the audience. All co-authors must be registered conferees, even if they cannot attend the Congress.

Research reports submitted must be unpublished and may have as topics:

  • Research conducted according to scientific methodology (ethnographic, sociological, historical, pedagogical, psychological, medical etc.)
  • Studies of dance as related to other topics such as music, costume, theatre etc.
  • Organizational, artistic, social, scientific, educational, economic and other approaches based on documented proposals.
  • Reports on the situation of dance in a specific area, field or country.

A lecture-demonstration can include video or Powerpoint projection, with oral commentary by the presenter. Presenters use the language of their choice, without translation. Time allowed is 20 minutes, including questions by the audience.
Send a file with details: title, text, photographs, music or video samples, duration, name and address of presenter, equipment required. Formats as above.


For a physical demonstration of a dance or a teaching technique, time allowed is 30 minutes. Send a file with the title of your class and its description. You can include photos, music and/or video samples (see formats above) for the proceedings.


For a performance on stage time is limited (from 5 minutes for solos to 10 minutes for large companies) since the audience is composed of specialists. Send text file with title, description, requirements. You can include photos, music and/or video samples (see formats above) for the proceedings.


Publications, costumes, music, equipment for schools and other material can be exhibited or sold. Specify minimum wall and floor space required. The organizers assist exhibitors but do not assume responsibility. Send text file for the proceedings, see formats.


Just give your DVD to the video room supervisor to be played there.


You can register for the Congress and send your text or video to be presented in your name and included in the proceedings. You can send material to be put into conferees’ bags.

For more detailed information please read: